该纪录片通过德国、意大利、日本三个轴心国分别在欧洲、亚洲、中东所挑起的战争,表现了在第二次世界大战中,世界反法西斯联盟在海、陆、空的各个战场上英勇抗击法西斯侵略者宏大场面。通过该片使我们充分了解到如:斯大林格勒、诺曼底登陆及攻克柏林等重大战役珍贵史实资料。 重温《The World At War》 1、制作 2、一个新的德国,1933-1939 3、奇怪的战争,1939年9月-19...
Sheila kills her husband at the start of the film with a smoking gun. We don't know how or why. All we know is men are banging on her door and she escapes. There is a notable dialogue as she makes...
This comedy follows two codependent East Village, New York girls, Olivia and Nicole, on the verge of eviction and existential crisis. They're struggling artists, living in a Bohemian apartment. Th...