曾经小有名气的画家拉斯·奥拉芬(Thure Lindhardt 饰)来到一处不知名小镇的艺术学校任教,似乎有意逃避曾经的风光,又似乎等待缪斯女神的再此眷顾。当地冷漠、突兀的人情让他一度无所适从,但是那个身材高大、沉默寡言同时有着较高艺术天赋的学生艾迪(Dylan Smith 饰)让拉斯些许找到了认同感。在校长的拜托下,拉斯同意接艾迪过来和自己居住。谁知当晚,拉斯目睹艾迪梦游出屋,生吃了小兔子。原来...
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An enterprising college student agrees to run his professor's Las Vegas car wash to avoid flunking out of school. But it's Vegas gone wild when he decides to staff it with gorgeous bikini-clad...
The Cassini spacecraft was sent on its way to Saturn in 1997. Since then, she has travelled nearly four billion kilometers, delivered a probe to a toxic moon, discovered phantasmagorical structures on...