Cami is sent to a secluded religious center by her father, who mistakes her condition for sex addiction. Unbeknownst to them, a murderer targets the facility's occupants....
英国一位功成名就的百万身价银行家,大卫 菲斯维克,亲自带领几个踌躇的普通民众,在几个月的时间里,实现资本的快速翻倍。 Dave Fishwick, creator of Bank of Dave, shows ordinary people how to make their money grow and double their investment pot in a few months....
史诗般的黑洞,巨星核心的核炉和行星内的火山压力锅,所有这些都在时间和空间的巨大范围内,通过沸腾的能量来改变宇宙。这个突破性的新系列沿着能量进入宇宙的力量中心,使用基于科学数据和最新超级计算机模拟的最新动画来接近这些领域,潜入超大质量黑洞的中心,飞向外星行星的有毒景观,沿着即将爆炸的恒星的旋转表面骑行! Episodes include… S1, Ep1 Black holes: the o...